How do I qualify for membership in the Town of Plymouth Contributory Retirement System?
A member must be employed by the Town of Plymouth or Plymouth Housing Authority for 20 or more hours per week.
As an active member, can I borrow from my pension deductions?
No. As an active member of this Defined Benefit System, your funds must remain on deposit until separation from service.
What if I choose to no longer contribute the Town of Plymouth Contributory Retirement System? Can I stop my deductions at any time?
As long as you remain eligible for membership, you must contribute the required statutory amount. As an employee of the Commonwealth, you do not contribute to Social Security; therefore, you are required to contribute to this retirement fund.
If there is a change in my marital status or if I move, are there any important forms that I need to complete at your office?
Absolutely! Please contact our office and complete a change of name or address form, and you may want to add your new spouse as a beneficiary as well. Please see our website for applicable forms.
If I worked for the Commonwealth or in a Massachusetts municipality or county prior to my employment with the Town of Plymouth, will my previous service time count towards my Plymouth Retirement?
This depends. When you complete your application for the Town of Plymouth Retirement Membership, the form requires you to identify any prior Massachusetts public employment. If your funds remain on deposit with another political subdivision, those funds and creditable service shall transfer over to our system. If you have taken a refund, then you may be able to purchase this service time back. Please visit or call the office for more details.
Will my employer find out if I make a retirement inquiry? When is my employer notified of my impending retirement?
Inquiries regarding retirement are confidential until you submit your Application for Retirement. This document is a public record, and after this is signed by you, this office notifies your employer that you have made application for retirement.
Will my retirement allowance last for an indefinite period or will it cease after a determined amount of years?
Your retirement allowance will last throughout your lifetime. Please bear in mind that the option you choose at the time of retirement will determine whether or not you leave a survivor benefit. All options will be discussed at length upon making an appointment with the Retirement Office.
Before I retire, should I visit the Social Security Office, and why?
This office recommends visiting the Social Security Office prior to Retirement if you also qualify to receive a Social Security benefit. You most likely will be subject to the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), and you will want to know how that will affect your Social Security Benefit. For more information on WEP visit the Social Security Website at
How is my pension calculated?
Your pension allowance is a defined benefit based on three factors. Your age at the time of retirement, your years of creditable service as determined by the Retirement System, and your high three consecutive years' salary. The Retirement office will calculate estimates for you upon request, and can explain the actual factors used in determining the benefit.
As a retiree, if I live out of State for several months, should I notify the Retirement Office when I return?
You should notify the Retirement Office of any change in status so that we can keep your data current, and in the event we have important news to share with you, we know how to reach you. This typically becomes an issue around tax time. We want to be sure that you receive your 1099.